Sunday, February 17, 2008

After 2 postings on the above company, I've decided to search for it's latest AR results and do a brief analysis on it. Nothing complicated, just some basic calculations and common sense, I'd say.

  • In Operation since 1986.

  • T/O has been pretty consistent over the last 3 years with an average growth of 21.3%

  • Div Payout has been consistent

  • Current Ratio can be improved but has been kept fairly constant at 1.7.

  • The Net Profit reduction could be due to the increased Capital Expenditure on Non Current Assets.

  • Question on my mind is the reduced EPS a results of the increase in the Pref Div Payout.

If so, then the reduction is not so bad afterall.

At least the shareholders are willing to take lesser for the investors to take back more. No?


One thing to note is that the above calculations and analysis are just for sharing purposes only.

The information from which I obtain the data is not from the full Annual Report itself but the simplified version from and

Not forgetting the diversification plans which the management has for the company and the contract which it'd just won, which from the figures would increase their profit substantially.

I should be adding this to my position this week, probably.

Opinions/ Advice anyone?


Anonymous said...

Allco's judgment day delayed again

Danny John
February 18, 2008

Allco Finance has delayed its day of reckoning again, announcing this morning that its first half results have been delayed indefinitely.

The aircraft leasing, shipping, property and funds management empire ia bout to reveal to investors, analysts and the media the full extent of the crisis - both financial and reputational - that has swirled around the group since its shares went into free fall from mid-December.

The latest delay to Allco's long-awaited half yearly results follows the sudden cancellation of their announcement on Friday. The announcement will give company founder and execcutive chairman David Coe his first public opportunity to explain how Allco intends to get out of its current predicament.

Analysts have previously indicated that Allco would probably turn in net profits of around $120 million for the half year to the end of December - a period that covered the fall-out of the global credit crisis which has made life so difficult for those companies like AFG that depend on debt to finance their businesses.

But most of the emphasis - and the questions - will focus on Allco's immediate future, its plans to reduce its mountain of debt and what it will have to sell if it is to save itself.

Macquarie Group, private equity firm Texas Pacific and Babcock & Brown are believed to have explored informal bids for parts or all of Allco. Allco's advisers, Caliburn Partnership, have opened a data room to allow potential purchasers to get a clearer financial picture of its assets.

The company is also having to work closely with corporate solvency and restructuring specialist Ferrier Hodgson which was appointed last week by the Commonwealth Bank in a move aimed at ensuring that Allco was able to meet its financing commitments.

The Commonwealth's chief executive, Ralph Norris, alluded to the move in a TV interview yesterday without naming either Allco or Centro, which is another big debtor to the bank now being closely monitored.

"We have provided for those particular corporates who are not in as strong position as they were. But I have to say that none of them have defaulted at this point and they are servicing their debt as per their arrangements."

A spokesman for Allco was unable to comment on the company's financial situation yesterday.

At the same time Allco is also said to be looking to get out of its most recent deal, agreed in December, that involved the $1.67 billion acquisition of 29 power stations in the US with its joint venture partner, the Australian super fund investor Industry Funds Management.

Allco's shares are expected to come out of suspension as early as today after being placed in a halt last Monday at $3.05.

The stock dropped sharply in January after it was disclosed that Allco's senior executives, including Mr Coe, had been the subject of margin calls which required the forced sale of shares in the main company.

Anonymous said...

HSBC Holdings (0005.HK) today closed @ HK$112.60 (-2.20 ↓1.92%).

陆羽仁: 莫吃眼前虧











Aztec sounds like a promising company. Smaller lesser know companies are where the big money is made.


Aztec seems very interesting.


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