Thursday, February 28, 2008

In times like this, when the market is heading nowhere in particular, news affect the general market sentiments greatly.

For 3 days of DJ, news has "forced" the market to react to the news. Namely, IBM shares buyback, Stagflatation report and the latest, another round of Interest Cut. Are we heading to the 1% rate again? Ha!

STI, as usual, is moving slowly, perhaps cautiously, during these few weeks.

've currently added Singpost to my portfolio and still looking around for bargains, though Singpost is not really one but nevertheless, do let me know if you knwo of any.

Apologise for this very aimless post, but then again, the market is quite boring recently. Nothing exciting, imo. Once again, if you wanna get, buy on supports in times like these. Lotsa shorters out there. Be careful.


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