Thursday, November 22, 2007

This correction is really long, in fact I think it's much longer than what a lot of people expected.

Sadly CES did not manage to sustain it's 200MA and went below it. Wasted. But what to do what the market sentiments is now so...... choppy, One day up One day down.

Well, I've read articles and comments that Fundamentally CES is good. Not that fundamentals are not important but in a time like this, it's the market sentiments that actually moves the stock. Who really bothers about TP in a bear market. The main concern is that the TP don't drop. Take counters like YZJ, TP of like what... $3+ in 12 months? It's dropping like bombshells @ e moment, but of course, for very long term investors they can still buy but 'm sure having a little more patient wun hurt!

Why throw $ into something that's falling? Averaging the cost of purchase! If you think it through, if it goes even furthur down, you're actually throwing $, and further losing more! And when the price drops to like $1.86, buy more? So saying you bought 3 times 5 lots each @ $2.09, $1.95, $1.86 having the mentality of averaging down, Let see... basic Maths

($2.09-$1.86)*5 = $1,150 -- Lost if held on since $2.09
($2.09-$1.86)*5 + (1.95-$1.86)*5 = $1,600 -- Lost if Averging is done.

True, if it goes up you earn! But is the risk worth taking? Simply put, profits come in when price rebound. Let's say again, it rebound upwards to $1.96 from $1.86, doesn't this offsets the loss of the 2nd buy? Did you @ e end of the day then, profit?



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