Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Hi Calvin, sorry about this late posting.

Generally, I'm not really into such low priced stocks cause my heart cannot take the voltility.

For a time like this, I would not think that it is really necessary to know how in detail the counter is moving, just look at the major support level would be good enough cause rallies don't last long due to lots of profit taking and such as seen from my previous posts.

Point 1:

Simply put, this counter is nearing it's support line which was started Jan 07. With such disgusting volume, I do not really see the chance of a major uptrend coming soon and with the current market conditions, it is likely to drop to that support like or thereabouts.

Point 2:

Also, I tried doing fibbo retracement on this chart and @ .43, the price will hit fibbo's 23.6%, another sign of resistance, perhaps ?

Point 3:

Another line of note would be the resistance line. Not much to talk about now but just for your info.

This is my analysis of AsiaEntp and I would like to hear some comments if I'd not done well in my analysis! It's a learning process afterall!



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